Our Valued Clienteles
T h e S p i r i t o f I n s t r u m e n t s
Instruments & Equipments Uninterrupted Power Supplies
Set up in 2001, Dynacomp Pte Ltd specializes in the distribution of test and measurement instruments for the electronics industry as well as providing system integration of AC/DC power systems for the Telecommunications, Electronics, Aerospace and IT Industries.
The Company started its business with the distribution of instruments to various electronics companies. With experience, its scope of activities grew to include support for telecommunication systems. In addition, the company has also added LED Street Lamps and Industrial Forklift into its product line card. The Company has established a global network of associates over the years to provide the necessary products and support to its valued customers across Asia. Dynacomp Pte Ltd Mission Statement
To provide high quality products and services as a key strategic partner to our customers and business associates
To maintain our social responsibility in terms of environment protection, community service and public education Small Brands for BIG Business CONTACT US: +65 9692 3432 Copyright Dynacomp Pte Ltd @ 2013. All Rights Reserved |